May 11th, 2018 Brentwood Community Center, Brentwood

ODAT invites you to join us at our Unity Gala.

Gourmet food, entertainment and art will be enjoyed while ODAT supporters celebrate our youth's successes. Join over 150 academic, political and community leaders supporting our cause to empower youth to make positive change in themselves and their communities.

Proceeds raised will serve to fund our program and directly impact local children, youth and families. Ticket includes appetizers, dinner, and live entertainment. We encourage you to join us honoring our work and our organization's accomplishments. Ladies & Gents, cocktail attire please.

Cocktail Hour - 6:00pm through 7:00pm
Dinner & Program- 7:00pm through 9:00pm
Dancing & Raffle- 9:00pm through 11:30pm

Tickets will are on sale through Eventbrite or can be purchased at our office!

For more info or to sponsor our event please call (925) 240-1359.